Losing Belly Fat

The prime causes of Belly Fat.

  1. Alcohol Consumption: To lose your belly fat, what you drink is as important as what you eat. But forget about losing your belly fat if you drink beer & sweet alcohols daily. Beer drinkers always have a peer shape: belly fat & man boobs – especially as they get older. Alcohol also stresses your liver which has to overwork to clear the toxins. This can get in the way of building muscles.
  2. Irregular Exercise: Having a sedentary lifestyle leads to some very serious health problems, such as early cholesterol problems, blood pressure problems, cardiac diseases and can be completely prevented by exercising for at least half an hour a day.
  3. Carbs: You need carbs for energy. Problem is that most people eat way more carbs than they need. Your body will stock the carbs it doesn’t need as fat. And this is often how you get belly fat. Potatoes, pasta, rice and bread; excess intake of these products will definitely increase your belly size.