Your guide to a healthy morning breakfast

Morning Breakfast

Protein, carbs, fresh fruit and veggies should be included in your breakfast.

Take your breakfast plate and split it into three. One third should be filled with a protein-based food, a quarter with starchy carbohydrates and the remaining third with a variety of fresh fruit and veggies.

Always make sure you add some good fats and have a nutritious breakfast that will supercharge your energy levels and stop blood-sugar fluctuations, leaving you less likely to reach for the biscuit till mid-morning.

If you’re watching your weight, a healthy breakfast is a must. Research shows that regular breakfast eaters tend to be leaner and dieters are more successful at losing weight and keeping it off when they eat breakfast. What’s more, people who typically eat breakfast also get more fiber calcium, vitamins A and C, riboflavin, zinc and iron and less fat and dietary cholesterol. Perhaps it’s because they often eat cereal, which is fortified with vitamins and minerals, and fruit, which is naturally nutrient-rich.

Here are few of the things that your breakfast should consist of:

  • Leaner cuts of meat
  • Chicken and turkey with the skin removed
  • Beans
  • Low-fat or fat-free milk, yogurt, and cheese
  • Egg whites or pasteurized egg white products

A study at the University of Missouri shows that eating a nutritious breakfast, especially the one with high protein in it, makes you feel fuller and reduces hunger throughout the day. In fact, getting extra protein at breakfast decreases the brain signals controlling food motivation. Also a high-protein diet that contains too much saturated fat may cause more harm than good, so choose healthy protein options.