7 Signs and Symptoms of Melanoma Skin Cancer


Have you ever taken the time to look at the moles and freckles that trace your skin? According to skin experts, getting to know your skin, especially large moles or skin abnormalities, to see if they’ve changed, can literally save your life.

Changes in the look, feel, size, or shape of a mole or freckle can be an early warning sign of melanoma. Should you notice a change in your skin, make an appointment with your doctor or a dermatologist immediately. It’s imperative to be mindful of changes to your skin by keeping a vigilant eye on these common signs and symptoms of skin cancer…

New freckles and moles
If you like to spend time in the sun, or if you sunbathe and use tanning beds, new moles or freckles are likely to appear on the surface of your skin. Pay close attention to these.

Raised skin
Moles and freckles that take on a raised appearance should be of concern.

Bleeding skin markings
Moles or skin patches that bleed or develop a crust can indicate advanced melanoma. This includes moles or freckles that develop changes around the outside. Irregular, raised borders around a mole or freckle is abnormal.

Size increase
Skin markings that get bigger size, particularly those larger than a pencil eraser, are worrisome.

Tender to touch
If a mole or freckle never bothered you, but now it’s sensitive to touch, it’s time to get it looked at.Itchy: This is not a normal sign of a healthy mole or freckle.

Odd shaped moles
Moles that alter shape over time (i.e., round to oblong) are worth having a doctor look at.

Color changes
Moles are typically brown or reddish in color, however, black or two-tone moles are considered abnormal.